List of fictional toxins

This is a list of toxins, poisons, chemical weapons and biological weapons from works of fiction (usually in fantasy and science fiction). The toxins are divided into three alphabetical groups: fictional poisons, fictional chemical and biological weapons, and fictional mutagens.


Fictional poisons

This is the list for fictional poisons. Fictional poisons are the toxins that are used to hurt or kill on an individual scale.

Name Source Uses and effects
Akpaloli Clark Ashton Smith's The Plutonian Drug [1] A poison derived from a yellow weed that grows in Martian oases, it is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. It is almost immediately lethal, producing symptoms resembling those of heart disease. In small doses it can be used as a stimulant.
Amaranthine Gas Super Smash Bros. Brawl Amaranthine Gas is a dangerous gaseous substance found in some caves. When characters enter the purple mist, they quickly start taking poison damage at about 2% every half-second.
Apotoxin 4869 (APTX4869) Case Closed"Detective Conan" Developed by biochemist Miyano Shiho, Apotoxin 4869 (APTX4869) was intended to be used by a secretive criminal syndicate to commit murders, but not leave any trace of the toxin behind in the corpse. Unbeknownst to her and the organization, APTX4869 does not kill 100% of the time, but occasionally causes the human body's cellular structure to physically regress to a younger state, thereby making a victim significantly younger (making them 10 years younger). Aspiring high school student detective Kudo Shinichi was the first victim of this toxin. However, Shiho was the second victim of the toxin when she attempted to escape the organization.
Anzid Barbara Hambly's novel The Ladies of Mandrigyn A toxin used for assassination. Its effects are extremely painful. Victims who are strong have been able to survive as much as two days of the agony.
ATP Decoupler Creatures 3 A toxin that converts ATP, the universal source of energy for all living things, into its depleted form, ADP. The cure is an injection called Medicine One.
Atroquinine Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney A manmade poison that has a lethal dose of 0.002 mg. There is a reactor chemical that turns blue in the presence of atroquinine. Atroquinine is slow-acting, so it takes 15 minutes after ingestion to do harm, and it attacks the central nervous system. The only recorded case of someone surviving atroquinine poisoning is the case of Vera Misham.
Beijing Cocktail Crank A Chinese synthetic chemical that slows vital organ function until eventually those organs stop. Approximate time to live after injection is one hour. Symptoms include severe grogginess, blurred vision, and chest pain. To prolong life, the victim must do things that will increase his adrenaline, eat candy and go pills such as caffeine pills, energy pills, speed, fat burner pills, metabolism increasing pills, etc., and drink caffeinated and energy drinks. Also, synthetic epinephrine acts as a competing inhibitor to hold off the poison and can be put into an insulin pump, however, these only stave off the inevitable organ failure and death, as no antidote exists.
Basilisk Venom J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The venom of a Basilisk, the creature in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. The only stated cure for Basilisk venom in Harry Potter's world is the tears of a phoenix.
Bloat Terry Pratchett's Pyramids A poison extracted from a blowfish, which when ingested by a human, causes every cell to expand by 2,000 times - a process both "fatal and loud". Used by the Assassins' Guild.
Darestim David Eddings's The Elenium A rare and extremely virulent poison found in the deserts of Rendor. As symptoms seem very similar to those of the falling-sickness, deaths by Darestim are frequently ascribed to this illness. It is so virulent that there is no natural cure for it, and only certain magical objects, such as the Bhelliom, can cure it. The only people known to have been cured of Darestim are the King of Rendor and his family, and Queen Ehlana of Elenia.
Daturon Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Poison Belt This toxic agent is an unhealthy variant of the all-encompassing "ether" of space. It poisons all life into a deathlike stupor when the Earth passes through a belt of it. Daturon possesses some traits of a gas that's heavier than air: it concentrates first in lower regions like valleys or plains and inhalation of oxygen-superenriched air works as antidote. Daturon also has some traits of radiation: it can pass through hermetically sealed rooms and containers.
Despair Squid Venom Red Dwarf A potent toxin secreted by a giant squid-like alien that causes its victims to commit suicide by inducing vivid hallucinations of scenes and situations where they are revealed to be embodiments of principles and character traits that they despise.
Dragon Sand Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon A toxin that makes the user feel better than they have ever felt except that three days later, the victim bursts into flames. It creates toxic vapour when it comes into contact with any solid substance.
Fear gas Batman Scarecrow's weapon, a nerve agent that drives its victims mad with fear.
Fex-M3 Star Wars Deadly nerve toxin used that kills its victim in under 10 seconds. Fex-M3 is often delivered through dart-weapons for silent elimination. It was also used in Lady Gaga's "Cook 'N Kill" recipe in her music video "Telephone"
Glove Cleaner The Twilight Zone; The Chaser A powerful poison that is virtually untraceable. Street value is $1000 a bottle, which is enough for only one use.
Hebenon Hamlet It courses through the natural gates and alleys of the body; and with a sudden vigour it doth posset and curd, like eager droppings into milk, the thin and wholesome blood
Hum Hunter: The Reckoning A deadly poison spread via a water supply.
Iocane powder The Princess Bride by William Goldman A deadly Australian poison, odorless, tasteless and highly soluble, used by the hero Westley in his 'battle of wits to the death' with Vizzini. Is available in a powder form, which Westley used. Although it takes a few years, the human body is capable of building an immunity to the poison.
Krayt Dragon Poison Star Wars A deadly toxin from the Krayt Dragon. Said to be in possession of Bib Fortuna.
Luminous Toxin D.O.A. A radioactive toxin with no antidote, it attacks internal organs and kills within one to two weeks. It is detected via blood test—in a darkened room the victim's blood glows with an eerie luminescence. Easily slipped into liquor, especially during wild, alcohol-crazed nights in San Francisco "jive" clubs. Apparently concocted by shadowy black market figures in the radioactive materials business during the Cold War.
Malkite themfar Star Wars The signature poison used by the Malkite Poisoners, a group of assassins in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
Merasha Deryni novels A yellowish liquid which has a sedative effect in humans, but in those with Deryni powers (including the human Haldane kings), it disrupts those powers and causes excruciating pain. It is intended for use against Deryni who abuse their powers, but is preempted by the corrupt Regents of Gwynnedd led by Archbishop Hubert MacInnis as a means of detecting and enforcing persecution of Deryni (including tainting sacramental wine at the ordination of priests to keep Deryni out of the clergy). It can be mixed with drinks or used as a coating for sharp implements, such as the human-controlled church's "Deryni pricker." The substance reacts with the Deryni's powers—as evidenced by the fact that Deryni whose powers have been blocked show no ill effects except for the humans' sedative reaction.
Meta-cyanide Dune Fatal toxin contained within and delivered by the gom jabbar, a small needle. It is "The high-handed enemy; that specific poison needle tipped with meta-cyanide used by Bene Gesserit Proctors in the death-alternative test of human awareness." It was also used in Lady Gaga's "Cook 'N Kill" recipe in her music video "Telephone"
Mirror's wrath Ansem Retort (web comic) A brutal neurotoxin first used in the Crusades that "causes the victim to see the beast they truly are." Causes one's blood vessels to strangle one's own brain. Survival of injection of mirror's wrath can expose "werepire".
Mosfungus Final Fantasy Tactics A toxin derived from a fungus of the same name. It slowly kills the person over time in small doses and can be spread by air. The effects typically include a nagging cough and other undetectable, common symptoms. When a person dies of Mosfungus poisoning, Mosfungus will grow on the person's grave. It's said to be a sign of the end of the person's family name.
Nightbane 8-Bit Theatre A hallucinogen poison that causes its victim to experience increasingly horrible nightmares every time they sleep until an antidote is administered.
Nightlock The Hunger Games A poisonous berry from which toxins may be extracted. Ingestion causes death within minutes.
Rahkshil Poison BIONICLE The venom produced by Green Rahkshi and the Makuta.
Red Skull's Dust of Death Marvel Comics The "Dust of Death" is a red powder which kills a victim within seconds of skin contact. The powder causes the skin of the victim's head to shrivel, tighten, and take on a red discoloration, while causing the hair to fall out. Hence the victim's head resembles a "red skull".
Red Water Fullmetal Alchemist A highly toxic, naturally-occurring cocktail of alchemic catalysts that is often found in underground springs. Its immediate effects, coughing and constant fatigue, are not extremely dangerous, but prolonged exposure can lead to death. Also, children of people poisoned by it often die soon after birth. Through chemical processing, it can be refined into a Red Stone, an alchemic amplifier.
Sandbat venom Star Wars The natural venom of a Tatooinan Sandbat. The Tusken Raiders milk the venom, coating their Gaderffi, making it more lethal.
Silverthorn Silverthorn (novel) Silverthorn is a shrub that grows on the edge of Moraelin, the Black Lake, in the Great Northern Mountains. The plant is made of light silver-green leaf of three lobes, red berries like holly berries, and branches covered in silvery thorns similar to that of rose branches.
Sennari Star Wars Fast-acting toxin delivered by a Kamino Saberdart and used by Jango Fett to eliminate Zam Wesell in Episode II.
Smilex Batman (1989) Poison created by The Joker, kills within minutes, leaves victims with a rictus grin on their faces.
The Strangler George R R Martin's Song of Fire and Ice A fatal poison. Distributed as small crystals that can be dissolved into liquids. The poison's effects are immediate and cause the imbiber to choke and suffocate.
Suicide-inducing neurotoxin The Happening An airborne chemical toxin produced by plants. The first stage of exposure is confused speech, the second stage is physical disorientation, and the third stage is fatal. It is explained: "Our brains come equipped with a self-preservation mechanism to stop us from harmful actions. This is controlled by a combination of electrochemical signals in the brain. The blocking of neurotransmitters by certain toxins has been proven to cause hallucinations, asphyxiation, and paralysis. This new neurotoxin is basically flipping the preservation switch, blocking neurotransmitters in a specific order, causing specific self-damaging and catastrophic affects." Simply put, it makes a person kill themselves.
Tears of Lys George R R Martin's Song of Fire and Ice A rare and expensive fatal poison. Can be dissolved into liquids without altering the taste. The poison's effects are delayed but damage the stomach and bowels resulting in a slow and painful death over several days.
Thalot David Eddings's The Malloreon A very virulent poison from Nyissa. Almost always fatal.
V-Poison Resident Evil Outbreak An acidic variant of wasp venom carried by wasps infected with the T-Virus. Ironically, it is one of the components necessary to create the anti-T-virus serum called Daylight.
Ygramul's poison The Neverending Story A poison used by Ygramul, a sentient insect swarm dwelling the land of Dead Mountains. It kills its victim after one hour, but also provides an ability of teleportation.
Yozi Venom Exalted The venom of the Demons sealed beyond the Edge of the world

Fictional chemical/biological weapons

This is the list of fictional chemical weapons. Fictional chemical weapons are toxins that are used on large scale, by either military, paramilitary or terrorist organizations.

Name Source Uses and effects
Agent Yellow The Host The chemical that South Korean forces used to fight the giant monster.
Black smoke The War of the Worlds Toxic gas used by Martian invaders. Spectrographic analysis shows an unusual triplet of blue lines. It is dispersed from hoses and coilgun shells carried by tripods. It is heavier than air and forms a black, crusty precipitate when exposed to water.
Brainwash Gas Dune 2 Brainwash Gas is a nerve gas that temporarily converts units to become loyal to House Ordos. This gas is delivered by missiles from the Deviator, a special unit in the game.
Chaos spray Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge A gas spread by Yuri's Chaos Drones, that temporarily causes enemy units to attack their buildings and each other and makes civilians run in circles.
CN-20 Aliens Apparently a nerve agent used by the Colonial Marines, dispersed from canisters. Unknown if effective against Aliens.
Cynochrin Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception This Gas is released in the game Ace combat X Skies of Deception by Leasathian (fictional country in the Ace Combat Universe) stragglers otherwise known as the "Hamlet unit", with its effects being alluded to as a deadly, nerve agent, that becomes a dense fog when it contacts air. The player's objective is to neutralize the agent, made difficult by the fact that the neutralizer chemicals are highly volatile if sudden, high g-force maneuvers are used making the player a slow moving target.
Dark Mirror Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror A deadly neurotoxin that can spread very quickly by fusing to oxygen molecules in the atmosphere.
Delta Nine Goldfinger Invisible nerve gas. Causes immediate death (at one point claimed, apparently as a lie, to cause "complete unconsciousness for 24 hours"), but disperses harmlessly after 15 minutes.
Dip Who Framed Roger Rabbit Made from turpentine, acetone and benzene (essentially oil, paint thinner, and film dissolver), it is capable of killing a cartoon character.
Fetaine Vorkosigan Saga Powerful mutagenic military chemical weapon that had never been used on or by Barrayar because it is regarded as a terror weapon on the planet that is very heavily prejudiced against mutants.
FoxDie Metal Gear Solid An engineered retrovirus developed by the DIA for The Pentagon. "Pre-programmed" to identify a specific person's DNA and nanomachine implants, and then trigger a cardiac arrest. The length of time between contraction and death, and passes from any carrier to a targeted victim. Notable victims in Metal Gear Solid include the DARPA Chief and Liquid Snake. Solid Snake is also a FoxDie carrier, which manifests as accelerated aging.
G3 Universal Century Gundam A nerve gas original developed by Colonel Asakura of Zeon's special weapons division, the gas was later used by the Titans in the 30 Bunch Incident. As seen in 08th MS Team, it has a greenish color in concentrated form.
Heat 16 Spawn (film) A deadly biological weapon developed by an organization called A-6, run by Jason Wynn.
Nova 6 Call of Duty: Black Ops Death within 60 seconds (children - 30-45, in-game - near-instantaneous), massive tissue necrosis of the entire body surface. No known antidote, appears to function on contact with exposed tissue, surgical methods did not provide a delay.
Oxygen Destroyer Godzilla (1954) A chemical that is able to cause any living thing to die of asphyxiation, after which the remains of the organism is liquefied.
Silent Night xXx A toxic gas, a nerve agent which can kill millions of people. The gas only breaks down in deep water.
Rabbit's Foot Mission: Impossible III A chemical weapon, the protagonist never finds out about it.
Soltoxin Vorkosigan Saga A poison gas that targets soft tissue in the body, usually causing death by melting the lungs in about an hour. The teratogenic antidote for this poison caused the deformation of the series' main character in vivo.
Symbiote Poison Stargate SG-1 Symbiote poison is a compound first created by Tok'ra scientists. The poison is released as a gas, and is capable of spreading over large areas. The poison is only fatal to symbiotes, and leaves humans unharmed. However, dying symbiotes release their own toxins into the host bloodstream, which makes the poison useless in saving hosts from their Goa'uld captors. The poison is also deadly to Jaffa still reliant on symbiotes for survival.
Sentox VX-1 Nerve Gas 24 Sentox nerve gas is a very deadly toxin that does not dilute in oxygen. It was stolen in the series by a terrorist organization under the leadership of Vladimir Bierko.
Theragen Star Trek A Klingon nerve gas. A derivative of theragen, in an ethanol solution, was developed by Dr. McCoy, to counteract the insanity-producing effects of a spatial interphase near the Tholian border.
The Spore Metallica's music video for All Nightmare Long, from Death Magnetic In the music video, it is explained that a mysterious phenomenon in Communist Russia has created (or delivered) a dust-like spore, capable of revitalizing even long-dead organic materials, from healing wounds to resurrecting the dead. The USSR engineers the spore into a weapon to use against the United States of America; by way of hot-air balloon, the spore released into American air space, and the trade winds spread the spore, thus creating a localized zombie apocalypse.
Tiberium Command & Conquer series This fictional material turns anything into itself - any unprotected human can become "infected" on contact; any vehicle will be slowly corroded. The Brotherhood of Nod used a handful of Tiberium-based weapons, such as the Tiberium Trooper. "Tiberium Wildlife", such as the Visceroids, naturally uses it. The Scrin consist mostly of Tiberium, so they have a lot of military applications for it: the Corruptor sprays a tiberium-based sludge, which heals Scrin and kills everything else; some Scrin units are armed with Tiberium shards, which should be toxic to targets as well.
Trixie The Crazies A "Rhabdoviridae prototype" bio-warfare agent that is unleashed on Ogden Marsh, Iowa when the airplane loaded with it crashes and contaminates the town's water supply. Groups of law-abiding citizens become very violent, bloodthirsty killers.
V2 Gas E. E. Smith's Lensman series A fast-acting, lethal nerve agent that is usually administered as a gas. It was also used dissolved in water, against an amphibious species (the Nevians). A victim can be saved with prompt administration of the antidote.
Vexxon Gas Lightning - Dean Koontz A fast-acting, lethal nerve gas that rapidly dissipates in sunlight and eventually decomposes into harmless substances when exposed to air. A pill can be taken to render somebody immune to its effects for a certain time.
Virus Toxin Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge A gaseous toxin that causes cells over the entire body to immediately form more of the substance, resulting in bursting of the cells. Eventually the entire body explodes, releasing a deadly cloud of gas that may infect others nearby.
VX-2 Gas The Rock A green volatile liquid which causes the skin of its victims to bubble and melt as they die. It is stored in small glass spheres for some reason. Injection of the antidote into a victim's heart immediately after exposure brings total immunity. (Note: VX gas is a real nerve agent. However, the effects, and physical representation shown in "The Rock" are not accurate. Atropine, used in the movie to stop the effects of VX gas does not need to be injected into the heart, but is usually injected into the thigh.)
VZ Binary - Michael Crichton A binary nerve agent, lethal within two to three minutes.

Fictional mutagens

While real-world mutagens produce genetic alterations, or mutations, fictional substances often produce sudden, visible changes in the morphology of organisms. The list below therefore includes fictional substances that produce such effects, as well as more plausible mutagens.

Name Source Uses and effects
ADAM BioShock A stem cell-based biological modifier harvested by Little Sisters and processed into useful forms like Plasmids or EVE. Excessive usage of ADAM tends to result in addiction, severe cosmetic and/or mental damage.
2,4,5 Trioxin Return of the Living Dead series Gas that brings the dead back to life as zombies. Originally created by the military as a herbicide to use on cannabis plants.
Batch 5 V for Vendetta A toxic mutagen that causes random disfigurements and mutations over a period of months, before driving the victim mad and killing them. - see Agent Orange
"Buzzz Cola" Surf II: The End of the Trilogy An addictive mystery chemical agent treated with petroleum waste created by deranged chemist Menlo Schwartzer, who distributes it under the guise of "Buzzz Cola" as part of a plot to rid the beaches of surfers. Its effect changes human physiology, turning the drinker into a bumbling zombie capable of ingesting anything from garbage to hydrochloric acid.
Cardamine Freelancer A natural product of the ecosystem on the planet Malta, it is found in trace amounts in nearly everything on the planet, including the atmosphere and water. A very addictive mutagenic narcotic, its withdrawal symptoms are extremely violent and invariably fatal. Exposure over generations is known to cause unnatural longevity as well as greatly decreased fertility and a genetically-encoded dependence on the drug.
Chemical X The Powerpuff Girls A mysterious chemical created by Professor Utonium. When he accidentally mixed it with sugar, spice, and everything nice, it created The Powerpuff Girls. Its effect on humans is variable: it can either grant super powers or cause monstrous mutations.
  • Chemical X (or a similar variant) can also be found in prison toilets and when mixed with snips, snails and one talking dog tail, created The Rowdyruff Boys.
  • Its chemical opposite and neutralizer is a mysterious substance called Antidote X
Colour out of space H. P. Lovecraft's horror tale "The Colour Out of Space" Toxic and mutagenic element, possibly sentient. The substance is of indescribable colour and unknown spectrum, and is released from a meteorite that lands in a field.
Compound X07 Marvel Comics Experimental compound developed by A.I.M. Granted Madcap his fantastic regeneration and recovery.
Corrodium Ben 10 A purple crystal that can be a great power source for alien technologies, and can also mutate living organisms that are nearby.
DC-2 Planet Terror A green gas of unknown chemicals and origin. Once exposed, one requires constant exposure to the gas or he/she will mutate into a zombie. Any human bitten by a DC-2 zombie will become one when the infected flesh reaches the brain area. DC-2 can also reanimate corpses of those killed by a zombie.
Energized Protodermis Bionicle A living, liquid form of Protodermis with the power to either transform or destroy any living creature it comes into contact with.
Empathy Code 46 A virus forbidden by law that allows an infected individual to read other people's thoughts. The virus only works if the target is currently telling the infected individual something emotional about itself.
Energy X Freedom Force A mysterious substance of extraterrestrial origin. When humans come in contact with it, they develop super powers based on their personality.
Ephemerol Scanners Tranquilizer, used as a morning sickness remedy; a mutagen, it induces telekinetic and telepathic abilities. Ephemerol also suppresses those abilities in adults so affected.
EXP Radiation Adventurers! online comic A beneficent radiation released by killing RPG monsters. Once a threshold has been reached, the character's stats upgrade. It is used as a hand-wave to explain why monsters disintegrate into red balls and upgrade player characters upon death.
Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) Fallout (Video Game) A virus created by the government and stored in the Mariposa military base and Vault 87, it causes victims to mutate losing sexual differences, and causing them to grow bigger and physically stronger, but lose mental capacity with age. The results are enlarged versions of animals and insects, a combination of several creatures called Centaurs, and humanoid Super Mutants, derived from FEV-exposed humans.
G-23 paxilon hydrochlorate ("Pax") Serenity (2005) Tranquilizer introduced into the atmosphere of the terraformed planet Miranda that produced total apathy and loss of will to live in most of the population. However, it had a paradoxical effect on 0.1% of those exposed, creating a murderous group (Reavers) that wiped out the remaining planetary population and continued to terrorize the local planets.
GC-161 The Secret World of Alex Mack A mutagenic chemical responsible for giving Alex Mack her unique powers. A recurring plot device.
Gene Seed Warhammer 40,000 Gene Seed is responsible for creation of Space Marines. There are about 19 separate gene seeds. All gene seeds are produced in a pair of glands in the Astartes's chest cavity and throat. For further reading, see Space Marine (Warhammer 40,000).
Heiarchy Radiation Universe at War: Earth Assault A mutagenic radiation similar to nuclear radiation in that it is composed partially of gamma rays and contaminates the surrounding area. Unlike atomic radiation, it is fluorescent green, glow-in-the-dark, and turns people who die of it into Zombies.
Hellfire Warhammer 40,000 A type mutagenic bio-acid developed originally by the Imperium of Man to combat the Tyranid threat. The toxin rapidly destroys the flesh of the struck target, making it nearly impossible for an average human-sized creature to survive, and dealing severe damage to larger creatures. The bio-acid is delivered via Hellfire ammunition, which are modified boltgun rounds that replace the explosive charge of the round with a chamber of the bio-acid that is pumped into the target on impact. The larger-caliber Heavy Bolter can fire a version known as Hellfire Shells, which showers an area with the acid upon impact
Katalyst SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron In this series, there are Katalysts according to number. In the series, there is Katalyst 99, Katalyst 100, and even Katalyst X-63. All these used by Dr. Viper to make the city either Megaswamp City or Mutation City.
Kryptonite Superman A radioactive crystalline compound created by the explosion of the planet Krypton's core. Most commonly found in its green form, it is deadly to all things native to the planet Krypton. It also causes mutation in humans, plants, and animals when exposed to it. Often it acts through a catalyst, imbuing beings with various powers, usually with some negative side effect. Some varieties, including red kryptonite, gold kryptonite, and blue kryptonite, have varying effects.
Liquid Tiberium Command & Conquer 3 Liquid tiberium is a derivative of crystal tiberium used by Nod and Reaper-17. Instead of random mutations leading to a Visceroid, it augments muscle mass, and subsequently speed, permanently. Using too much liquid tiberium, beyond initial infusion, eventually leads to insanity. Users exhale tiberium gas, and can walk through a tiberium crystal field undamaged, although the player still gets an exposure warning. It is also highly explosive.
Lot Six Firestarter Lot Six, an experimental drug that supposedly had been proven to alter the subject's chromosomes and pituitary gland, was administered to a group of college students who volunteered to take it through injections. Only certain people got the drug, and some people just got tap water. Only two people came out fine after being injected with the drug: Andrew McGee and Vicky Tomlinson, who later married each other. The mutagenic effect of the drug resulted in the [[Pyrokinesis|pyrokinetic] abilities of their daughter Charlie.
Magestone Mage Knight A crystalline substance coveted by the Atlantean Empire for technomagical experiments. Causes mutations with prolonged exposure; mutants are known as Mage Spawn.
Melange Dune series The spice Melange causes the whites and irises of the eyes to turn blue after prolonged exposure, as with natives of the planet Arrakis, where the spice is everywhere. Melange's beneficial effects include prolonging of life and the granting of various abilities to humans such as the Bene Gesserit. Extreme doses can cause heavy mutation, as evidenced by the Spacing Guild's navigators, who use Melange to gain the limited precognitive ability required to navigate a ship safely through folded space between planets. Eventually, the high-level navigators mutate to the point they must live the rest of their lives in tanks filled with spice gas, their minds and bodies wholly dependent on the drug. Humans addicted to lesser levels of the spice suffer severe withdrawal symptoms if denied access to it.
Mustakozene 80 Doctor Who, Timelash
Mutagenic Compound (The Ooze) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles A highly toxic and radioactive green sludge that mutates organisms into humanoid/animal crossbreeds.
Philosopher's stone Fullmetal Alchemist (manga version) A small red pebble, the ultimate transmutation amplifier. It consists of the transmuted souls of thousands of people. When injected directly into the body, it repeatedly destroys and reforms the organism. This ultimately kills the organism, or else the organism metabolizes it and becomes invincible. The only outward sign is a welt shaped like the alchemical symbol Ouroboros, the signature of a Homunculus.
Phazon Metroid Prime 1, 2 and 3 A highly toxic and radioactive glowing blue living substance. Extremely mutagenic, it is used by the Space Pirates to alter their own stock and that of other creatures, such as Metroids, and in attempts to xenoform both their own homeworld and strategically important Federation worlds. The Chozo recognize it as the "Great Poison," as it ultimately leads to madness and death in most life which comes in contact with it for extended periods. It also comes in an orange version that is much more mutagenic and dangerous, and even organisms resistant to normal blue phazon can be affected by the orange variety.
Polymorphine Warhammer 40,000 A shape-altering drug used by the Callidus Temple Assassins Witch Hunters army to infiltrate enemy organisations by mimicking key figures and taking their place. Polymorphine weakens the molecular binds and combined with high levels of training in physical control and cybernetic implants, Callidus Assassins can use the drug to mimic any humanoid race.
Promicin Inhibitor The 4400 A compound which blocks the neurotransmitter Promicin, from which members of the 4400 gain their powers. The compound tends to build up in the body after long-term inoculation, causing pox-like rashes and eventual death.
Re-Agent Re-Animator A serum developed by Miskatonic University student Herbert West which reanimates cadavers. The cadaver must be extremely fresh, or brain damage will occur due to the buildup of free radicals in brain tissue.
Substance X Operation Neptune A mysterious and highly reactive substance found beneath the surface of Asteroid Argos. It has the ability to mutate harmless sea creatures, such as Pufferfish, into monsters.
Rune Rogue Galaxy An orange gel that apparently speeds evolution. Powerful monsters have a reservoir on their foreheads; this makes a weak spot. It also has the unique property of rearranging the molecular structure of inanimate objects, but only high-level/expensive objects.
Human Performance Enhancer Spider-Man A green mist that causes the user to permanently develop stronger muscles, and better coordination and reflexes, but at the price of their sanity. If in any way the user is angered, a more aggressive and murderous personality takes over long enough to kill the source of frustration. An upgraded version, created simply by allowing the chemical to age for three years, allows the user to keep their sanity, or focus their rage more effectively.
T-Energy Sacred 2: Fallen Angel A volatile and glowing blue liquid. Contact with any organic lifeform causes various mutations, including monstrous growth. T-Energy mutated creatures have glowing blue streaks all over their bodies.
Terrazine StarCraft: Ghost Terrazine is a mysterious gaseous substance, which is responsible for the evolution of the Terran Spectre troop, an offshoot of the Ghost spy. It may also be responsible for the development of some of the mutations and evolution of the Zerg troops in the game (all zerg must be at least weakly psionic to receive instructions and transmit data). It is poisonous to non-psychics. Not much is known, as Ghost has been "put on hiatus," i.e., cancelled.
Terrigen Mists Marvel Comics Mutagenic catalyst discovered by the Inhuman geneticist Randac sometime between 21,00 and 15,000 years ago. It can grant most any Inhuman or Human being superpowers, but leaves approximately 75% of Inhuman subjects with radical physical deformities as well; it also occasionally induces amnesia in both Inhuman and Human subjects.
Tiberium Command & Conquer A highly valuable crystal in the Command & Conquer series used as a resource. Tiberium extracts all mineral deposits out of the ground and can be harvested, for easy extraction. Extremely toxic and mutagenic to terrestrial life-forms, Tiberium is an extraterrestrial terraforming agent by an alien race known as the Scrin. It was also used in Lady Gaga's "Cook 'N Kill" recipe in her music video "Telephone".
The Stuff The Stuff Tasty white substance mined from the earth which turns out to be a sapient creature who mutates its consumers into zombies and eats them from within, leaving empty human shells behind.
U4 SiN Dangerously addictive narcotic developed by biochemist Elexis Sinclaire. A deliberate effect of the drug is genetic alteration, causing horrible mutations in the user. The drug was developed and distributed for the purpose of building a bio-engineered army for world conquest.
Vespene gas StarCraft Vespene is a fluorescent green gas that issues from geysers. All three races (Zerg, Terran, and Protoss) harvest the gas. In its processed form, it is an effective fuel. In its raw form, it is used by the Zerg as food and an evolutionary catalyst, mutating the swarm into bigger, stronger forms. The best example is the Tarrasque, bred from normal Ultralisks, then repeatedly exposed to vespene gas.
Viper Mutagen 368 SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron A mutagen created by Dr. N. Zyme and Dr. Elrod Purvis in Megakat Biochemical labs. This mutagen was able to rebuild any limbs of plants. However, this chemical also mutates people into half-cat, half-snake creatures when the chemical spills on them. The only victim affected by the mutagen was Dr. Purvis himself who mutates into Dr. Viper.
Warpstone or Wyrdstone Warhammer , also Warhammer 40,000 1st and 2nd editions A greenish-black crystal apparently of solidified magic that holds tremendous transmutatory powers. Among other things, it can be used as fuel, or even to turn base metal into gold. Highly prized by the Skaven, who use it to make bullets and poisons, as well as generate energy and Vampire Counts, as it is integral to creating many of their undead minions.
Zygrot 24 Freaked A fertilizer manufactured by the Everything Except Shoes Corporation that possesses potent mutagenic properties, not the least of which is its ability to turn a wrench into a hammer. It is used by Elijah H. Skuggs to create a troop of freaks who perform in his sideshow attraction.

See also
